Lip Lift Operation and Lip Aesthetics
Some lips are anatomically thin and inwardly directed. People in this situation complain that their lips are thin, and women try to camouflage this situation by applying a lot of lipstick, however, this is a difficult and tiring process. Lip lift operation/procedure in these people leads to highly satisfactory results.
Is lip lift operation performed under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia?
Lip lift is a much simpler procedure than other surgical operations and does not need to be done under general anaesthesia. The area to be treated is anesthetized with needles, and if the patient wishes, the procedure is supported by tranquilizers, and hence the patient is operated more comfortably.
How is lip lift operation performed?
With a pre-operative planning, lip lift amount is determined based on the lip structure of the patient. In the surgical marking, first, a line is drawn along the intersection of the nasal base and the upper lip. For example, if the determined lifting length is 7 mm, a second line, which is similar to the shape of the top line, is drawn down 7 mm below and the skin in-between is removed. The lip becomes lifted upwards after the gap in-between is closed again with stitches.
Do any scars remain following lip lift operation?
Yes, scars remain in every area of the human body where is stitched. After lip lift, a scar is left on the nasal base based on the operative technique but this scar is considerably reduced over time, and in some people, it is not noticeable, even when viewed very carefully.
Are lip plumping / lip thickening/lip augmentation operations the same with lip lift operation?
These procedures or operations are usually confused, but there are significant differences between them. For example, we fill the lips by utilizing the fat filling method in lip plumping/lip thickening. For detailed information, please see our Fat Filling page.
KEYWORDS: lip lift operation, lip aesthetics, lip plump, lip thickening, lip enhancement